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Monday, June 14, 2010


This summer has been so much fun so far! I could write about everything, but it would basically be a novel. So here are pictures of what has been happening this summer.

Dave graduated and had his 26th Birthday!

Here we are in Texas.

Jesse graduated from MCHS! Way to go Jesse I'm so proud of you!!!

I went home to visit, and we drove to San Diego to see the Jewells.

I love this video of us at the Padres game.

My Dad was called as a Bishop in a student ward. He will be the best bishop ever. I really look up to him for being such a wonderful person. Love you Dad!


  1. Is that me singing on the video? Yikes. Tone deaf. I knew I couldn't sing but seriously. I love your outfit in the pic with dad. Glad you made it home safe we need to skype. Miss you and love you.

  2. Yeah for summertime! I am so glad that you guys came out this summer! It has been so much fun! I love all your pics! You guys are so cute!
